Media enquiries
For media inquiries, please get in touch with us on our dedicated media number +44 (0)7503789994.
This line is available for calls and WhatsApp messages.
If we are unable to take your call please leave a voicemail, or text message including your name, outlet, purpose of call and number to return your call on and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Alternatively, you can email your inquiries or requests to press [at] and one of the team will respond promptly.
If you have a general, non press, enquiry please email: mail [at]
Press releases
Three quarters of MPs prefer higher taxes to pay for improvements to public services
Panel of swing voters have their say on Labour, taxes and public services ahead of Budget
Inheritance tax breaks give billions to the UK’s wealthiest families
Ten tax reforms to raise £60 billion for public services and a fairer economy
Majority back higher taxes on wealthiest – new research